Small Sisters

Small Sisters

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

An April Update!

It has, again been a little while since I updated you on Ruby-star. So here goes....

Ruby has been attending Hummingbirds Early Intervention and Education Service now for just over a month. She spends the day with other children, socialising, doing sensory work, listening to songs, instructions, music and the other children laughing and playing. I believe the time at Hummingbirds has assisted with her overall mood and comfort.

Since August last year, when we commenced our new adventure to Adelaide to see the wonderful Dr James Siow Ruby has gone from pretty much continuous four hourly pain medication, being valium and morphine. She is now only requiring maybe two doses during the whole day of valium. The morphine has left the building....well almost! It's a little sad when I see it as a security blanket for Ruby and her pain!

In addition to the decrease in medication Ruby has gone from 9kg to a whopping 13.6kg! Her body is starting to process nutrients and store them correctly. She has more eye contact, and responds when being spoken to.

The best part of this April news is that she has been eating solids now for the past two weeks...yippeeeeee! She even took some juice from a sippy cup! This is AMAZING!!!! I am so very proud of my little angel and look forward to what the next few months bring. We are off to Adelaide in May to start the next step of Dr Siow's protocol.

As I have been so utterly snowed under and consumed with the setup of Hummingbirds over the past few months I recently observed myself from a new angle, when I received an offer of help from someone in particular I, in a way,  'froze' and panicked! I won't go into the whole story, but will leave you with this...

When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” 

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