Small Sisters

Small Sisters

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A picture says it all!

A star is born, 2nd July 2009, a few hurdles along the way, but we're getting there! Love, belief, a vision, strength, courage and persistence is all it takes!

My angel x

Very cheeky!

My happy bub xx

Getting so strong

and inquisitive!

Let the steroids begin :-(

Water baby x

My first Christmas

Cuddles with Mummy xx

My first birthday xx

2011 trip to New Zealand to see Dr Paul xx

Sisterly love xx

Yellow, black and blue arm from triple daily blood tests :-(

Big sister loves you xx

Mummy's birthday xx

2nd birthday in hospital xx

Tough times xx

Yet another hospital stay, more prodding, anaesthetics and a stomach PEG x

Water therapy with Miss Janet and Renay, my support worker (AKA B-Nay!)

My 3rd Birthday xx

Sophie's 5th Barbie Birthday! xx

Flat out at Physio!

Miss Meliss, keeps on believing xx

In my 'little room' at playgroup xx

Aug 2012, Adelaide to see Dr Siow

Healing time xx

Miss Meliss won't give up xx

Miss Meliss is still on my case! xx

Happy munchkin in the car xx

Big girl at playgroup xx

Big smiles for Mummy (November 2012) xx